zhandos uakanov
更多 zhandos uakanov

Well Control Tool5.0
Useful Oilfield Well Control Tool with below features:
1. Well Control Calculations:
- Final Circulating Pressure (FCP);
- Formation Pressure From Kick Analysis;
- Hydrostatic Pressure Loss Due To Gas Cut Mud;
- Initial Circulating Pressure;
- Kick Tolerance Factor;
- Kill M安裝

Oilfield Coiled Tubing Data4.0
OilField Coiled Tubing Data application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas exploration and Coiled Tubing Operations. OilField Coiled Tubing Data has most useful informations which are using in daily Coiled Tubing Operations. Also this application is the good supporting tool for Co安裝

Oilfield ECD Pro3.0
Introducing OilField ECD Pro, the essential tool for oilfield specialists and mud engineers, meticulously crafted to simplify the calculation of Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD).
Key Features:
Unit Selection: Seamlessly toggle between OilField Units and Metric Units using the intuitive tab at 安裝

Well Cementer Tool1.8
Well Cementer Tool application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas well cementing service. Well Cementer Tool has most useful calculations which are using in daily Drilling and oil well cementing operations. Also this application is the good supporting tool for oilfield cementing s安裝

GangMoji - Gangster Emoji Keyboard1.8
GangMoji is a custom emoji keyboard that lets you express yourself in ways that other keyboard don't.
GangMoji features custom emojis designed by NY_STREET_ART®. Many amazing, gang emojis in one simple app.
Works with your favorite messaging apps like: iMessage, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, ema安裝

OilField iHandbook1.3
OilField iHandbook application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas exploration and drilling. OilField iHandbook has most useful calculations which are using in daily Drilling and Oilfield operations. Also this application is the good supporting tool for oilfield Engineers.

Қазақ Шежіресі1.0
Сіздердін алдарыңызға Казақ халқының шежірелер топтамасын ұсынып отырмыз.
Осы қосымшадан:
- Қазақ халқының рулары туралы мәлімет.
- Үш жүзге кіретін рулардын шежіре кітаптары.
- Атадан таралуы.
- Рулардаң мекендеген жерлері, тарихы
- Бабаларымыз айтып кеткен 7 және 4 сандарының сипаттамасы және т安裝

Army Diet TOOL1.0
Unlock Your Best Self with the Military Diet Tool – Designed with Precision by Army Experts.
Experience the ultimate diet calculator app that goes above and beyond:
• Discover Your Ideal Weight Effortlessly
• Perfect Your Waist to Hip Ratio with Precision
• Unveil Your Body Fat Percentage with Acc安裝

OilField Formulas for iHandy Calc.1.0
------- Updated. Added more than 250 oilfield calculators -------
Aims of this application to make ease the life of Oilfield specialist and Petroleum, Mud Engineers by providing correct hand calculations. It is meant for Engineers,Specialist who are involved in Oil and Gas exploration and Drilling.安裝

Directional Drilling Calc.1.0
Oilfield Directional Drilling Calculation is for anyone involved in Oil and Gas exploration and drilling. This application is an essential supporting tool. From this application You can easily find out any directional drilling data.
Directional Drilling Calculation:
- Angle Averaging Method
- Radiu安裝

MudLAB - Mud Engineer Tool-
Welcome to the MudLAB app – Your Essential Tool for Oilfield Operations!
Are you a Mud Engineer or part of a dedicated oilfield team? Look no further! Our app is designed with you in mind, but its benefits extend to anyone in the oilfield industry. It empowers you with essential calculations and a 安裝

Torque TOOL-
The Torque TOOL is designed to make torque unit conversions a breeze. Whether you're an engineer, a mechanic, or simply someone who frequently deals with torque measurements, this app is your go-to solution for effortless conversions between various torque units.
With its user-friendly interface, t安裝

Decimal Fractions-
Decimal Equivalents of Fractions is a useful app to find decimal equivalents.安裝

Introducing "wikiMom," your ultimate parenting companion, designed by child development experts to empower and support moms through every stage of motherhood.
Have you ever wondered how much sleep your baby needs? When will your child utter their first word? Or take that magical first step?
Like m安裝

OilField FIT & Leak-Off Test-
Introducing OilField FIT & Leak-Off Test, the essential application tailored for specialists engaged in Oil & Gas exploration and drilling. This versatile tool serves as a reliable support system for oilfield Engineers.
Empowering users with swift calculations, this app enables you to efficiently d安裝

Білу Керек!-
Осы қосымшада топтастырылған:
- Қазақ халқының ақ бата-тілектері жинағы;
- Бабаларымыз айтып кеткен 7 және 4 сандарының сипаттамасын ұсынып отырмыз.
Жоба алдағы уақытта тағыда қосымша мағлұматтармен толықтырылады!
Біліп жүрейік!安裝

Радио 7 - г.Семей-
«Радио 7» — музыкальная радиостанция в г. Семей.<br><br>7 Мая 2001 года – первый выход в эфир на частоте 106,9 FM.<br>Формат Hot AC/CHR – Динамичная музыка для активных и позитивных<br><br>(20 – 40 лет).<br>Зона уверенного приема – 35-40 км<br><br>Слушайте Радио 7 во всем мире!!! Будьте с Радио 7 !!安裝

RioMoji is a custom Olympic Game emoji keyboard that lets you express yourself in ways that other keyboard don't.<br><br>This patriotic keyboard is builded with Olympic Sport emojis that can be sent via iMessage,WhatsApp,Facebook Messenger, email and more.<br><br>App Features:<br>– Rio 2016 Olympic 安裝

OilField Engineer-
Welcome to the OilField Engineer App!
We are here to provide enrichment and make a difference in your job.
App was reviewed and approved by API.
Application is made for oilfield engineers / specialists. It is an supporting tool which will help to improve engineers / specialists daily operations.安裝

Oilfield LWD Calculation-
LWD Calculation is a useful oilfield calculator which are tool for direction drilling department.
App has below listed calculators:
1. ROP Calculation;
2. RecordRate Calculation;
3. DataDensity Calculation;
and more tools.安裝

Oil & Gas Books-
Oil & Gas Books and Learning Materials Library special prepared for Oil & Gas Engineers and Specialists.<br><br>App Features:<br>- Oil & Gas Books ( Formulas, Work process, Drilling, Production, Drilling Fluids and more other information);<br>- Online Market Price for Brent, WTI and Natu安裝

Photo Lab: Editor Pro-
App is simply the best photo editor, that lets you express your creativity and unique style. <br><br>- Add Text & Change Text Color;<br>- Paint on photo;<br>- Add Custom & Standard Emojis;<br>- Save or Share to friends<br><br>Easy to make funny pictures.<br><br>Enjoy it!!!安裝

KIMSIZER - clothing size converter-
KIMSIZER - Simple and refined sizes conversion app that is as obvious and easy to use as a tape measure. Convert American, British, European and Japanese clothing sizes by just flicking your finger.<br><br>Clothing sizes <br>=========<br><br>Men's sizes<br>---------<br>- Jackets<br>- T-shirts <br>- 安裝

Effective Workouts for Women-
Effective Workouts for Women is simple but effective app.<br><br>Are you ready for the Effective Workouts Challenge? <br>Just try to see tangible results and get back in good shape!<br><br>Drop any extra weight with minimum struggle (Sore Today Strong Tomorrow!) and see a noticeable difference in yo安裝

Slug Calculation-
Enhanced Oilfield Drilling Slug Calculations.
- Slug Volume Calculation: Quickly determine the barrels of slug needed to fill a specified length of dry pipe.
- Slug Weight Calculation: Easily find the weight of slug necessary for a set volume, ensuring efficient drilling operations.

"Stylebible" is a great and simple app. Made for discover the style world.<br>See. Learn. Do.<br>It is amazing! More than 100 features in one app.<br><br><br>App features include:<br><br>// MAKE UP //<br>-LIPSTICK<br>• Choose correct LipStick colour by your SkinTone: Fair, Medium,Tan, Deep;<br>• Li安裝

Pocket Wiki for GIRL-
"Pocket Wiki for GIRL" is a great and simple app. Made for discover the style world.<br>See. Learn. Do.<br>It is amazing! More than 100 features in one app.<br><br>App features include:<br>// Color Identifier //<br>// Best Look Samples //<br><br>// MAKE UP //<br>-LIPSTICK<br>• Choose correct LipStic安裝

Stuck Pipe Calc-
Stuck Pipe Calc app performs a quick oilfield calculation for estimating free point of stuck Drill Pipe or Tubing in a well. Just put in pipe OD/ID along with pulling force and stretch and get an immediate calculated result for linear feet of free pipe.
Simple. Easy. Useful.
Work Safe!安裝

Torque Data-
Simplify your work with Torque Data, the must-have app for accurate and easy torque measurements! Whether you're a professional mechanic or a DIY enthusiast, Torque Data is here to help.
Key Features:
Effortless Selection: Quickly choose bolt and nut sizes.
Comprehensive Torque Data: Access precis安裝

DoctorMoji is a great special designed by NYC_ART_LAB® keyboards for medicine doctors and specialists . Many amazing and special designed medicine emojis and stickers in one simple app. <br>Share great emojis and stickers with your colleagues.<br>- 110+ high resolution emojis;<br>- 100+ high resolut安裝

iTilek - Қазақша тілектер-
Дәстүрлі жиын, мерей тойларда әр адам тілейтін ақ тілегін сөзбен өрнектеп айтуға тырысады.
Кей кезде күні бұрын дайыналып та жүреді. Осыган орай біз сіздерге қазақ тіліндегі ақ тілектер топтамасын ұсынамыз. Тілектер саны 1400 шамасында!
Наш сборник тост安裝

OilField Hydrostatic Pressure.-
Welcome to the OilField Hydrostatic Pressure Pro app, meticulously crafted for oilfield specialists, drillers, and mud engineers seeking precise hydrostatic pressure calculations. Easily navigate through the intuitive tabs at the bottom to access the specific information you require.
Our applicatio安裝

Заказы принимаются:<br> - г.Семей, Казахстан WhatsApp# +7 705 281 50 05<br><br>Дорогие друзья!!!<br>Если у вас торжество,мероприятие,день рождение и вы хотите вкусные десерты на своем столе,тогда вам определенно к нам.Большой выбор тортов.Все из натуральных ингредиентов и на совесть, готовится с 安裝

Drill Collar-
Drill Collar app is database of Ideal Drill Collar Range.
When select Open Hole Size, the app will show below data:
The minimum size drill-collar is calculated from the Lubi安裝

Где Скидки и Акции?-
Планируете сделать шопинг? Узнайте где сейчас идут скидки и акции, сделайте удачную покупку! В этом Вам поможет "Где Скидки?"
Где скидки? - это ресурс, на котором вы сможете найти акции и скидки ваших любимых брендов в ваших любимых торговых центрах! Магазины и бутики часто устраивают распродажи, с安裝

ASTM 6A Table-
Unlock the power of ASTM Table 6A with our intuitive and efficient calculator app! Whether you're in the field or in the office, this app empowers you to quickly and accurately calculate Volume Correction Factors (VCF) based on API Gravity and Temperature according to ASTM Table 6A standards.
Key F安裝

ASTM 6B Table-
Maximize the potential of ASTM Table 6B effortlessly with our innovative and efficient calculator app! Whether you're on-site or at your desk, our app equips you with the ability to swiftly and accurately compute Volume Correction Factors (VCF) based on API Gravity and Temperature in accordance with安裝

Oil & Gas News-
"Oil & Gas News" is a useful and special prepared app for Oil & Gas related people.
App Features:
- Oil & Gas Learning Section ( Formulas, Work process, Drilling, Production, Drilling Fluids and more other educational information);
- Latest Oil & Gas Worldwide News;
Work SMART and Safe!安裝

ASTM Tables: 54A, 54B, 54D-
Welcome to ASTM Tables app - your ultimate tool for convenient calculation using ASTM Tables 54A, 54B, and 54D. Whether you're an engineer, scientist, or student, this app provides you with quick and accurate calculations right at your fingertips.
Key Features:
- Access to ASTM Tables 54A, 54B, an安裝

Top Street Style (Fashion fit)-
Are you into fashion? Discover the world’s leading style and fashion in one handy app: Top Street Style (Fashion Fit).
App is an amazing collection tool with the most interesting:
- street style;
- fashion fit;
- fashion color info;
- makeup assistant;
- diet advisor;
- size converter tool and mor安裝

API Pipe Properties-
From the app you can get technical information about drill pipe as per API Grade.
- Minimum Ultimate Tensile, psi
- Yield Stress, psi
- Minimum Elongation, %
Have a safe hitch!安裝

Shift Calendar for Oilfield-
Working in the Oilfield?
Take control of your schedule with the Oilfield Shift Calendar—the essential app for oilfield teams.
Oilfield Shift Calendar is a straightforward and customizable scheduling tool for everyone in drilling, production, and facilities.
Key Features:
• Easily set up your hit安裝

Kick Tolerance Calculator-
Kick Tolerance Calculation is a specialized tool designed for drilling engineers and well control personnel to accurately calculate kick tolerance for any well. It offers detailed inputs for well parameters, including depth, casing size, mud weight, and various pipe sizes, providing accurate results安裝
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