Khora ApS
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Times Tables VR
Times Tables VR5.0
Times Tables VR is a fun way for students to practise their multiplication skills in virtual reality using only their eyes in an immersive 360 degree environment! The game is child-friendly, contains no adverts and is completely free. Students must choose which multiplication tables they would like
Seeing The Invisible
Seeing The Invisible2.6
Seeing the Invisible is an augmented reality contemporary art exhibition initiated by the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens in partnership with Outset Contemporary Art Fund, with the support of the Jerusalem Foundation. The first exhibition of its kind to be developed in collaboration with botanical garde
Haunted by the Future
Haunted by the Future1.0
[This app does not work on all phones, see device compatibility and access permission in the description below] Haunted by the Future is a fictional story and XR experience produced in a collaboration between the acclaimed Copenhagen theatre Sort/Hvid and Khora. The duration is approximately ten mi
God of Math
God of Math-
Byg din egyptiske by ved at træne dine matematiske evner og få pulsen op. I ‘God of Math’ skal du finde posterne på kortet og løse opgaverne for at samle guld til din by. Matematikken i Det Gamle Egypten har haft vigtig indflydelse på den matematik, vi bruger i dag. Egypternes matematiske færdighede
Maritime Career Game
Maritime Career Game-
Maritime Career Game er et Virtual Reality spil der lærer børn om maritime uddannelser, og hvad man kan lave når man er uddannet inden for det maritime. Spillet er et 2-personers spil der kan bruges i klasseværelset. I spillet skal man bygge en båd, hvor man skal sætte arbejdere på de rigtige opgave
Trelleborg Vikinger AR
Trelleborg Vikinger AR-
Oplev en viking helt tæt på med denne Augmented Reality App, udforsk og hør mere om vikingerne og deres våben og se en kamp mellem to vikinger.
Job i virkeligheden
Job i virkeligheden-
"Job i virkeligheden" er 5 virtual reality film i 5 brancher. Filmene, der er målrettet flygtninge og indvandrere og introducerer til det ufaglærte arbejdsmarked i Danmark, er optaget på en konkret arbejdsplads inden for fem brancher med ufaglærte jobåbninger: Transport, Detail, Hotel, Rengøring, Pl
Green Together Experience
Green Together Experience-
Green Together Experience is an Augmented Reality showroom demonstrating Danish green solutions to global challenges. The app includes a video guide, 3D models and 360° videos. This experience is presented to you by State of Green and The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs