代驾计价器de l'icône


Version:3.0.1 (build 14)
代驾计价器du code QR de téléchargement
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À propos de 代驾计价器

63.6 MB
Date de mise à jour

Historique des versions de 代驾计价器

2.6.2 (build 13) 2023-12-03
2.6.0 (build 12) 2023-11-28
2.5.0 (build 11) 2023-11-21
2.4.0 (build 10) 2023-03-25
2.4.0 (build 9) 2023-03-24
Voir plus

Présentation de 代驾计价器


- 自定义费用:根据您的需求,灵活设置代驾费用。
- 实时里程计算:精确计算代驾里程,确保费用准确无误。
- 行业专业标准计价器:配置行业专业标准计价器,确保您的代驾费用合理公正。
- 多套价格表体系:提供多套价格表体系,满足不同用户的需求。
- 多套模板自由切换:根据个人喜好,自由切换不同的计价模板。

1. 点击[安装]按钮或扫描二维码,在智能手机上下载并安装Android应用程序。
2. 打开应用程序并进行注册或登录。
3. 在应用程序中设置您的代驾费用和其他偏好设置。
4. 输入起始地点和目的地,开始计算代驾费用。
5. 完成代驾后,您可以通过应用程序支付费用。

立即下载代驾计价器APP,体验便捷的代驾计价服务!#app下载 #免费下载 #apk下载 #安卓游戏 #安卓apk #安卓应用 #apkmirror #apk下载器 #apk修改版

Introducing the "代驾计价器APP" - a mobile app designed to calculate the cost of chauffeur services. With this app, you can customize the fees and calculate the distance in real-time, using industry-standard pricing tools. Our app is known for its cost-effectiveness, offering multiple pricing systems and templates for your convenience.

- Customizable fees: Set the chauffeur fees according to your preferences.
- Real-time distance calculation: Accurately calculate the distance traveled for precise cost estimation.
- Industry-standard pricing tools: Utilize professional pricing tools to ensure fair and reasonable charges.
- Multiple pricing systems: Choose from various pricing systems to suit your needs.
- Template switching: Easily switch between different pricing templates based on your preferences.

How to Use:
1. Click the [Install] button or scan the QR code to download and install the Android app on your smartphone.
2. Open the app and register or log in.
3. Set your chauffeur fees and other preferences within the app.
4. Enter the starting and destination locations to calculate the cost.
5. Complete the chauffeur service and make the payment through the app.

Download the "代驾计价器APP" now and enjoy the convenience of calculating chauffeur costs! #appdownload #freedownload #apkdownload #androidgames #androidapk #androidapp #apkmirror #apkdownloader #apkmod

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