

Version:7.0.0 (build 3)
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Über 联通智家

236.3 MB

Versionshistorie von 联通智家

6.5.0 (build 2) 2022-12-03
3.7.0 (build 1) 2019-11-29

Übersicht von 联通智家


- 智能家居连接控制:轻松控制家中的智能设备,让您的家变得更智能、更便捷。
- 家庭/个人数据存储:安全存储您的珍贵回忆和重要文件,随时随地访问。
- 家庭娱乐:畅享高清影视、音乐、游戏等多种娱乐内容,让您的家庭生活更加丰富多彩。
- 业务办理:一站式办理联通业务,省去繁琐的线下办理流程。

- 打造智慧家庭:联通智家App将帮助您打造一个智慧、便捷的家庭环境,提升生活品质。
- 全方位解决方案:无论您需要控制家居设备、存储数据还是享受家庭娱乐,联通智家App都能满足您的需求。
- 安全可靠:您的个人数据将被安全存储,保护您的隐私。
- 便捷操作:简单易用的界面设计,让您轻松上手,无需复杂的操作步骤。

1. 点击[安装]按钮或扫描二维码,在智能手机上下载并安装Android版本的App。
2. 打开联通智家App,根据提示进行注册和登录。
3. 在首页选择您想要的功能,如智能家居控制、数据存储、家庭娱乐等。
4. 根据您的需求,进行相应的操作,如控制智能设备、上传文件、观看影视等。

立即下载联通智家App,开启智慧家庭的新篇章!点击链接或扫描二维码,免费下载。#智慧家庭 #智能家居 #智能生活

联通智家App, Creating Smart Homes for a Smarter Life!
App Introduction:
The 联通智家App is your go-to smart home assistant and all-in-one solution. With its integration of smart home connectivity, family/personal data storage, home entertainment, and business management, it offers a comprehensive smart living experience. Whether it's controlling your home devices, storing precious memories, or enjoying family entertainment, the 联通智家App has got you covered.

- Smart Home Connectivity: Effortlessly control your smart devices, making your home smarter and more convenient.
- Family/Personal Data Storage: Safely store your precious memories and important files, accessible anytime, anywhere.
- Home Entertainment: Enjoy a wide range of entertainment content, including HD movies, music, games, and more, enriching your family life.
- Business Management: Streamline your China Unicom services with one-stop access, eliminating the hassle of offline processes.

Advantages and Benefits:
- Creating Smart Homes: The 联通智家App helps you build a smart and convenient home environment, enhancing your quality of life.
- Comprehensive Solution: Whether you need to control home devices, store data, or enjoy family entertainment, the 联通智家App caters to all your needs.
- Security and Reliability: Your personal data is securely stored, ensuring your privacy protection.
- User-Friendly Experience: With its intuitive interface design, the app is easy to navigate, requiring no complex procedures.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Click the [Install] button or scan the QR code to download and install the Android app on your smartphone.
2. Open the 联通智家App and follow the prompts to register and log in.
3. On the homepage, select the desired features such as smart home control, data storage, home entertainment, and more.
4. Perform the corresponding operations based on your needs, such as controlling smart devices, uploading files, watching movies, and so on.

Download the 联通智家App now and embark on a new journey of smart living! Click the link or scan the QR code to download for free. #SmartHome #SmartLiving #IntelligentHome