

Wersja:2.1.7 (build 55)
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Informacje o wersji 黑暗光年

186.6 MB
Data aktualizacji
2.1.7(build 55)
Typ certyfikatu

Historia wersji 黑暗光年

2.1.7 (build 54) 2024-03-28
2.1.7 (build 53) 2024-03-16
2.1.7 (build 52) 2024-02-10
2.1.7 (build 51) 2024-01-27
2.1.7 (build 50) 2024-01-12
Załaduj więcej

Wprowadzenie do 黑暗光年


- 大型暗黑西游题材的多人在线角色扮演游戏
- 跨服组队,攻城打怪,热血PK,称霸全服
- 完美复刻端游神话,延续经典传奇玩法
- 开局攻速属性拉满,全地图无限制

- 听取数百位重度传奇玩家反馈,满足你的期待
- 研发团队多年潜心打磨,保证完美复刻端游神话
- 跨服组队,攻城打怪,热血PK,让你成为全服霸主

立即点击【安装】按钮或扫描二维码,下载并安装《黑暗光年》app,开始你的传奇之旅!#app下载 #免费下载 #iPhone下载 #苹果开发者 #苹果测试版

Introducing "Dark Light Years" - a massive multiplayer online role-playing game set in a dark fantasy world. Created by a team of experienced developers and based on feedback from hundreds of dedicated legendary game players, this app is the perfect recreation of the classic mythological game with all the features you've been waiting for.
Experience the thrill of cross-server team battles, epic monster hunts, intense PvP battles, and the chance to dominate the entire server. Start with maximum attack speed attributes and explore the vast open world without any limitations.

- Massive multiplayer online role-playing game set in a dark fantasy world
- Cross-server team battles, epic monster hunts, intense PvP battles, and server domination
- Perfect recreation of the classic mythological game with legendary gameplay
- Start with maximum attack speed attributes and explore the open world without limitations

Advantages and Benefits:
- Based on feedback from hundreds of dedicated legendary game players
- Years of dedicated development to ensure a perfect recreation of the classic mythological game
- Cross-server team battles, epic monster hunts, and intense PvP battles to make you the ultimate server dominator

Click the [Install] button or scan the QR code now to download and install the "Dark Light Years" app and start your legendary journey! #appdownload #freedownload #iPhonedownload #Appledevelopers #Applebeta

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