

Wersja:4.42 (build 37)
KuGamerkod QR do pobrania
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    Informacje o wersji KuGamer

    63.1 MB
    Data aktualizacji

    Historia wersji KuGamer

    4.46 (build 40) 1、Support PUBG mobile Turkrish 2023-07-03
    4.45 (build 39) 1、支持盾牌枪识别 2023-06-30
    4.43 (build 38) 1、支持PUBG国际版的配件识别 2、Support PUB 2023-06-14

    Wprowadzenie do KuGamer

    KuGamer is an Android app that allows you to use a mouse and keyboard to control mobile games, the revolutionary app that takes your mobile gaming experience to the next level. With millions of downloads, this revolutionary app enables you to use a mouse and keyboard for unparalleled control in popular mobile games like PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, Call of Duty Mobile, and more!

    Key Features:
    - AI-driven recognition of PUBG Mobile gun parts for flawless gameplay
    - Customize mouse and keyboard controls for a tailored gaming experience
    - Supports a wide array of popular mobile games
    - No root required and no risk of ID ban
    - User-friendly interface for seamless navigation

    - Boost your performance with precision aiming and faster response times
    - Personalize your gaming experience with adjustable control settings
    - Play securely with our ban-proof technology
    - Connect with players worldwide and elevate your gameplay

    How to Use KuGamer:
    1. Click the [Install] button or scan QR code to download and install KuGamer android app on smartphone or iOS on iPhone.
    2. Open the app and choose your desired game
    3. Configure your mouse and keyboard settings for optimal control
    4. Dive into your game and dominate the competition

    Call to Action:
    Ready to level up your mobile gaming experience with KuGamer? Download now and start winning today!

    #KuGamer #MobileGaming #PUBGMobile #FreeFire #CallOfDutyMobile #GamingControlApp #AIRecognition #PUBGLite #BattlegroundGame #Krafton

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